The 1998 Movie Pi

The 1998 movie Pi, directed by Darren Aronofsky, is about the number 216. The protagonist 
Max Cohen finds a 216 digit code on his computer and he learns that in the ancient Kabbalah
there is a 216 Letter Hidden name of God. I highly recommend this movie. People have been
searching for a 216 digit code hidden in nature since antiquity. 

Max’s code is not a real code. It’s just a movie based on the idea that there is a mathematical code
hidden in nature. I have actually found an empirical 216 code hidden in Metatron’s Cube. 

Click the image to watch the YouTube video.
You can see the real 216 code here: Metatron's Cube 


  1. I loved this movie. One on my favorites from my younger years that started me down the path of esoteric research. Thanks for your work.


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